What do we provide?
Safety, confidentiality
The purpose of this Ethics and anti-fraud channel is to be an accessible communication tool for receiving confidential communications about possible actions which may be criminally relevant within DataPrev, by its clients, employees and suppliers, as set forth in Art. 31 bis of the Criminal Code and the Spanish Data Protection Act (LOPD).
- 100% CONFIDENTIAL 100%
- 100% FOLLOW-UP 100%
- 100% TRUST 100%
In order to provide a further level of commitment, and as it is well aware of its responsibilities, DataPrev wishes to implement a streamlined system to facilitate receiving communications which will subsequently be investigated by the respective Compliance Officers, who will implement the solutions they consider to be most appropriate for each case. If you would like to find out more about this channel, please do not hesitate to contact us
Why is your report
For responsibility
We must all take an active role in achieving the common goal of eradicating offences within the company. Any offences committed will always have repercussions which affect all of us.
For equality
Corruption within the company prevents fair competition, and causes companies to close and jobs to be lost.
For safety
Not reporting criminal behaviour can make you an accessory to the fact, and you could even be charged if you are shown to be aware of the criminal practice.
For solidarity
Your report can improve working or personal conditions for your colleagues.
If you need more information about any of our services and how we can help you, or you want us to contact you, do not hesitate to contact us.